Chrissy's Mistake

by Mike Wilburn   Feb 28, 2008

Today is the day I let you go
You worried about making a mistake
Correct, the biggest of your life
Another has taking your place

I was always there
Never a question regarding devotion
Love and caring, life strong
You drove it away

Your loss irreplaceable
A devoted mate and father
Provider who toiled for you and family
A giver and caretaker, selfless

For what, casual sex, excitement
Because you're afraid of growing old
Getting gray and wrinkled
I saw beyond that, loved you more

You give up a great love
Another will take your place
She questions not and receives
All you had, making love

Have you not answered life's question
What's it all worth, value
Question importance
Trading love for lust

I am sorry for you
You took more than giving
Too late to change
You threw it away

For what kind of happiness
How long will it last
Damage done
Grieve and remember

You once had it all
Given freely by another
Who cherished you above any other
Above his own life and self

Sorrow that arrived late
Loss is forever
Love transfers to one
Who loves back

Recognizes the reward
And what you miss
No one is perfect
Your expectation unreasonable

You believe it's best for you
Your love is a lie
Enhanced by false desire
I cannot relate

From one who cares
Who can give
Happiness is earned
By those who love

Today I let you go
Without looking back
Life's question answered
Responsibility lies with you

Question forever your choice
Happiness is chosen
Another has received
Your place in my heart


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