I love you, I hate you

by Mike Wilburn   Feb 28, 2008

Broken over time
Holding onto the dream
Searching for answers
Questioning everything

Love is cruel
Hate is bitter

Gregarious by nature
Geminis child reborn
Life was easy
Living is hard

Love is wonderful
Hate is justified

Answer my query
Confess to misgiving
Honesty is healing
Forgiveness wanting

Love is blind
Hate is eternal

Why the deception
Consuming the soul
Hidden from the righteous
Bleeding the spirit

Love is pain
Hate is feeling

Emotional treasure
Trinkets and baubles
Reality clouded
Darkness an omen

Love is hope
Hate is despair

Cold and unfeeling
Void of care
Eyes missing
What once was there

Love is me
Hate is you


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  • 17 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Oh, one little comment also, just a random thing that bugged me. You wrote, "Life was easy, living is hard" and you changed tenses there. You were in the present tense for that whole thing and then you said "was." Unless you have a really good reason for saying was, I'd recommend changing it to "is," because saying "was" sounds like you are dead, when obviously you are not. Just a random thought.

  • 17 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Wow, another great write. I'm glad I found your poetry. Though your lines were short, your word choice was incredible, so it worked. I love the different two line stanzas where it defines love and hate. I have had some pretty crappy luck with relationships, so this poem really works for for me.