I Finally Looked Into Your Eyes Today

by CalGirl   Feb 29, 2008

I finally looked into your eyes today,
and saw that they were true.
I saw in them what I thought was care,
and no more was I blue.

Tomorrow, I'll looked into your eyes again,
and I'll hope to see that light.
I'll hope that in your eyes I'll see,
affection that burns bright.

The story goes, I was told,
the silent hope-rs do not win
in succeeding to steal your heart,
but I sure hope you'll give me your pin.

I've waited for a long time,
waiting for you to see,
that in MY eyes there will always be,
love for you as deep as the sea.


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  • 16 years ago

    by NiRo

    *huggles*awwwww thats soooo

  • 16 years ago

    by Kayla

    Awww... Sophie! I thought this was truly beautiful, really. You had strong and just sweet, passionate vocabulary to express how you felt. You let the reader know how much you care for this guy in every single line. And oh my, the ending.. it was totally perfect. It gave me chills because it was so great! It's so relateable and just, wow... hun. I think you really out-did yourself here. Great job, keep it up! You have an excellent talent. 5/5 <3 <3 <3 <3


  • 17 years ago

    by StandStill
