Can You See?*

by Paige Lea   Feb 29, 2008

No one can see it
My invisible tears
As I fight them back
Like I've done through the years

No one can hear it
My ever silent screams
When they come out as a whisper
It's worse than it seems

No one can feel it
My heart cracks with each beat
Eventually broken
As I sit in my seat

No one can know it
The pain in my heart
My shattered trust
I've been torn apart

Why don't you notice?
Why can't you see
The pain in my eyes
and what happened to me?

I'm dying inside
This isn't my fate
Somebody help me
Before it's too late

10th Gr.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Taylor

    Omg this is like da best 1 lol i can feel it 2 ~ sweetness

  • 17 years ago

    by Vicki

    Wow that was really great i like ur type of writing style it's kinda similar to mine. very very nice job!!!

    if u get a chance check out my latest poem i think u might like it