Dear Boy

by girlnextdoor   Feb 29, 2008

Dear Boy,

I'm sorry if I hurt you.
I'm sorry for the fights.
I'm sorry if I never tried.

But I'm not sorry that it's over,
And never will I be.
I'm sorry if you feel pain,
But with you, it was misery.

I know there were some good times,
But they're only memories.
And memories mean nothing,
If it wasn't meant to be.

I hope that we remain good friends.
That your life is filled with joy,
For I never meant to hurt you
My dear boy.


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  • 17 years ago

    by girlnextdoor

    Thanks:) about the memories thing...I'm trying to say that a relationship can't just depend on the happy memories

  • 17 years ago

    by Sarah Nicole

    I like it but memories dont mean nothing they mean everything
    love ya
    sarah niicole

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