Still In Love With You

by Cassidy   Feb 29, 2008

I love him a lot
I just wish he knew
He's got me wishing
That he feels the same way too.

But knowing we're just friends
Hurts really bad
I've cried a million tears
And I am very very sad.

I have the yearbook open
As I lie here at night
Staring at your picture
Holding on so tight.

She took you away
And left me here
Where on my cheek
Was a single tear.

You don't love me
That's the worst thing
As an angel comes down
And takes me by her wing.

She looks me in the eye
And tells me it'll be OK
Then she flies away
With nothing left to say.

So I must believe
I've got to be strong
I've got to push on
Through This pain so long.

I can't give up
And yes it's true
Even after all of this
I'm still in love with you!


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  • 16 years ago

    by Jo Anna EL

    Awww!This is so cute.i really like this!spoken from the heart.on my favorites and so are you!

  • 17 years ago

    by kimberley

    Hey, i really loved this 1 it just shows what its like to not have the 1 person u love when they dont know its hard to tell them that if they have a gf, its the same situation as me, good on ya