Broken Angel Rising

by kylexthexmagnificent   Feb 29, 2008

I stand in the darkness,
unafraid of death,
i stand alone in the cold,
i have some strength left.

i am a soldier,
fighting my own demons,
my wings are torn and weathered,
my heart is bleeding.

i will not give up,
i can still win this fight,
i have my demons to conquer,
i cant lose sight.

darkness poisons my soul,
hatred stabs my heart,
but my heart still beats,
my love will never part.

it will awaken the spirit,
that lies with my soul,
the darkness will be broken,
i will once again stand bold.

the fire inside still flames,
even though its surrounded by the night,
through heartache and stuggle,
one day i wll shine bright.

i am the angel,
that was broken by hate,
i will be reborn again,
i have hope, its never too late....


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  • 17 years ago

    by Hollywood

    Wow you write so beautifly amazing...why do you have to write so good for?lol but ya i loved it so much....all your poems have a good meaning to it...this one in general.

    love ya

    take care

  • 17 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    WOW THE BEST POEM I HAVE READ ALL DAY YES, i needed a good poem to cheer me up niceness, i can relate to your poem, the feelings i got from it i could feel the fight niceness 5/5 maybe u can read one of mine.

  • 17 years ago

    by MyMuse

    I loved this poem kyle, i can so relate to are my soilder of protecting me from my fears and demons. This poem i felt my emotion, i felt me as the angel. But i dont know what i can say is just you caught my attention and painted a picture in my mind

    I just love you with all my heart<3





  • 17 years ago

    by Krystal

    Mmm, I really like this poem. It's nicely written and expresses itself with so much image.

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