Free Flight of the Medicated Angel

by Inuhanyo   Feb 29, 2008

Cant you hear my heart
Beat Beat
Faster and faster

Cant you hear my heart
Thump thump
Burning ever deeper

You make me remember
those little cracks and shatters
but when you smile
it all just melts away

Dont you see what you do to me
these beats and thumps
the burning of ever higher degrees
making me fall to my knees

Such tears I let fall for you
Yet never let you go
The times I spend in your arms
make it all worth waiting

**I take meds that sometimes I say things I dont usually and I let my emotions out to my beautiful love Zoe, this is how I normally feel but.. I tend to not have the words to tell her. I love you so much Zoe! You really are my everything.**


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  • 17 years ago

    by HidinVictim

    Baby Love, wow that was beautiful... hmm i don't even know what to say... I love you so much, wow im truely speechless... thank you... for everything, i love you.