
by natalie   Feb 29, 2008

When i first met you
i didn't know what to think
i was asked to feed you
a few times
which was difficult
you always kept your head down
i never heard you speak
for over a month
i didn't know if you even could
yo started having
your meals in your room
i started working nights
i saw you more often
we had to feed you
change you and turn you
I'm not sure
if you have an illness
or if it's just old age
that night you fell put of bed
when i saw you
my heart hit the floor
i felt so guilty
wishing i could have prevented it
you are so frail
bedridden now
unable to do anything
for yourself
now i have heard you talk
once or twice
just a simples yes or no though
the other night
we came in to turn you
your little face
looking up at us
staring at us wide eyed
you opened your mouth about an inch
an said thank you
my heart melted on the spot
i could so easily take you home
i know your loosing more and more weight
you are wasting away
i know one day I'll come in to work
and the will be a strike through your name
it will hit me
like a ton of bricks
i wish i could do more for you
but i can't
no one can
you are getting the best care
it6's just a matter of time
before you leave us
and i know you
will be sadly missed
by all the staff here


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  • 17 years ago

    by natalie

    Yeah its real ruth is a resident in a care home where i wrk thnx 4 comment

  • 17 years ago

    by Xx Alone in my Quandary xX

    Dis poem really touch'd my heart...iz dis real????