Love Me

by Nikoshiana   Feb 29, 2008

The world goes round
And the ocean turns
Time is a healer they say
But not to this sentimental girl.

I watch the moon sit alone
In its dark vast sky,
A blanket of stars surounding it
So beautiful, so high

Yet time isnt healing
And this girl sits alone,
Waiting, longing, hoping,
For something to be shown

Some things take forever,
Some things never be....
But i only want one thing,
Just say you love me...

(For D )


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  • 16 years ago

    by Fran

    There is so much love and yearning in this poem it's heartbreaking. Love fills us up and love leaves us empty. Well written.

  • 16 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Another sad write. I feel for the pain in this piece.

    The world goes round
    And the ocean turns
    Time is a healer they say
    But not to this sentimental girl.
    ^^ A true romantic dedicated to the cause of true love.

    I watch the moon sit alone
    In its dark vast sky,
    A blanket of stars surounding it
    So beautiful, so high
    ^^ I imagine the moon being you, maybe a reflection, on your own, sad and alone.

    Yet time isnt healing
    And this girl sits alone,
    Waiting, longing, hoping,
    For something to be shown
    ^^How long is too long to wait. All the while time ticks by the heatache continues unrequited love is the worst kind, the cruelest kind!

    Some things take forever,
    Some things never be....
    But i only want one thing,
    Just say you love me...
    ^^^Hanging on words that mean so much, but unless they are said and meant they mean nothing, their impact felt by the receiver as a viscious cut!

    A powerful and honest write.


  • 17 years ago

    by kevin Boundy AKA the ghost

    Great write great flow and great emotion keep it up