The PAST, the LOVE, the MEMORIES (acrostic)

by Lizaveta   Feb 29, 2008

The past, the love, the memories.

Time has passed, leaves have fallen,
Hearts are asunder, tears drop slowly.
Elusive love, is it still here, darling?

Pictures in my mind are still so vivid
Are they doing to blanch with time?
Seems our bliss used to have no limit
Two souls are now covered with rime

Time has passed, leaves have fallen,
Hearts are asunder, tears drop slowly.
Elusive love, is it still here, darling?

Lights of our happiness are turning off
Oh I can't hear birds singing our song
Violins don't sound like sounded before
Eternity soon has turned out to be gone

Time has passed, leaves have fallen,
Hearts are asunder, tears drop slowly.
Elusive love, is it still here, darling?

Million miles away from here you are
Even though you promised me forever,
Million miles has turned out to be too far.
Oh even though I remember your arms
Roses in my heart have started to wither
Is this in the sky a falling star?
Eh, I wish we could have been together
Seems though it is too late now.

for Steph's contest


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Nikki

    Wow, this was good.
    keep up the good work
    keep on writing

  • 16 years ago

    by silhouette fairy

    I really enjoyed the repetative "the" verse it was nice. but over all i think again the flow could be worked on.

  • 16 years ago

    by Hannah Emellia

    Awww. That's so pretty and sweet. Yet touching and sad. Nice Read. Great Write. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by noha

    Nice work i rely love the way you write it and the part when you say:Time has passed, leaves have fallen,
    Hearts are asunder, tears drop slowly.
    Elusive love, is it still here, darling?
    its realy good , and its nice to read it several time,.

  • 17 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    Another great write... The flow was good, the word choice was great, and I loved the concept. Very beautiful poem! 5/5