Comments : Dear Mr. RazorBlade

  • Omg this poem is so amazin i can so relate to this, keep up the good work. 5/5 x

  • The flow and rhyming of this poem was great but, all the capitalizations through me off.It makes it seem childish and hard to read.Only the beginning of sentences should be capitalized.Still,the emotion and origonal thinking to this poem was good.


  • 16 years ago

    by BitterXSweetness

    This is such a beautiful inyet sad poem. I love it. So deep and heart wrenching. I understand and I can relate. I thought that this was amazing. Please continue 2 write 4 all of us fans out here. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Trying to let go of reality

    This is an amazingly sad poem. It's portraied wonderfully though. Sad as hell but really good. lol =P My sister cuts herself and it's a little hard for me to understand, but thank u for this poem. Little by little hopefully I'll understand. =) Thank you =) Actaully I think you may know my sister. On here her name used to be "Bloody Razor Tells It All" Something like that. But she made a new account. So if u want to get in touch with her or something just pm me ok. But thanks again. =)