Those three words

by Jamie   Mar 1, 2008

Those three words i say to you.
I only say because it's true.
You nod your head and walk away.
You will be mine, someday.

Those three words i say to you once more.
I tell you right as you walk through the door.
Once again you nod your head and leave.
I cry and wipe my tears with my sleeve.

Those three words i say to you one last time.
The way i say it has its own little chime.
Again you nod and just stand there.
I walk away crying ; you dont even care.

But you walk up behind me and hold me tight.
You say that i'm the most beautiful thing in sight.
You love me too always and forever.
But you said that it won't happen, never.

You went to the doctors and found you had cancer
You asked if you would live but they didnt answer.
He wants to be with me all the day.
But heaven is just too far away.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Annette

    Wow, this is such a good poem! You can tell that you put your heart into it! Very nice job!

  • 17 years ago

    by withlove

    Wow this is a good poem
    it has a lot of emotion and i can tell u difinitely put ur heart into it
    gud job =)