Never Again

by XxBrokenInsidexX   Mar 1, 2008

I know what I'm doing is so wrong
Yet I don't stop
I've been hurt so much
That all I do is boy hop...

I stay with him for maybe a month or two
Then I get scared they will hurt me
I've always thought thats what every guy is out to do

My heart has been broken once or twice
Leaving me torn
Never turning out nice

Ever since my last heart ache
I promised to never let it happen
I refuse to suffer another heartbreak

I dated you for quite some time
It was all good
Until you felt like mine

I quickly ran away
I couldn't commit
This heart isn't getting hurt today

Another one lost, nothing but more fear gained
I'm running from love
I guess thats just how my fate was rearranged

They all chase it as I stand clear
I want it too
But I cant because of this stupid fear

Time flew by and I came to find
A guy so awesome
I was hoping my fear didn't interrupt this time

i was treated like gold
Never left broken
My heart wasn't as cold

Once I felt love creep inside
I tried to run
But he wouldn't let me hide

He was determined to have my heart
I was so scared
I cant let this guy tear me apart

I let my guard down
Finally looking up
I see the world so beautifully and everything thats around

he gave me his heart in exchange
It was the happiest time of my life
I didn't want this to ever change

Soon after the sky turned gray
He wasn't around as much
The glue holding my heart together was slowly seeping away

I knew this was soon to come
I should have never trusted a guy
What am I?? DUMB!

I soon to come to realize he was falling for she
I wasn't good enough anymore
His heart was no longer calling for me

Yet i tried to fight and make him stay
It was my worst mistake
The more I fought...the quicker the love went away

Alone another night
Heart broken in my hands
Telling myself I'm alright
trying to find the pieces to where we began

So as I walk this road of endless tears
I curse myself in vain
Making my own "Heartbreak Lane"

I put our pictures in my broken frame
Missing what came to an end
Reminding myself
Never to fall in love again!


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  • 17 years ago

    by hate 2 love you

    I really love you poem its whats happening 2 me.

  • 17 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Honestly, I can't see this as a poem, instead, as a journal sort, perhaps bcoz of the flow, anyway, i luv ur vocabs...