My love, my heart, my future, my last words

by nicole   Mar 1, 2008

My love for you is very strong,
my love for you is weird,
for i do things i never thought of doing.
My lovefor you is the only pain i will feel.

My heart is no longer with me,
my heart is with you all of your days,
don't give it back because i don't want it
My heart is safe with you

My future is with you!
with out you i have no future!
My future i the picture in my head.
in my future there will be no pain.

My last words to you is this "i love you"
if i am on my deathbed my last words will be
"i love you"
if you are on your deathbed my last words will be
"i love you


"I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!"


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  • 17 years ago

    by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

    Awwies, he is lucky to have you and that is amazing feelings ever.