Why Do.....

by Hidden1   Mar 1, 2008

Who ever really marries their first "True Love?"
Saying "I Do" to the one they truly adore.
Is there a such thing as a "Happily Ever After?"
If so then why do so many end in disaster?
Why are relationships always unequal?
Why does one always give and give,
While the other one takes and takes?
Do they not see that their partner is in need of love, or just needs a pampering break?
Why do partners dish out more than they can take?
Knowing when it's over they've caused the one they love unnecessary heartache.
Why do some couples treat other's like gold.
Then come home and ignore the one who loves them the most.
Can one really bounce back after the one they love cheats?
Or will stay they stay in life a life of agony, distrust and be left feeling incomplete?
When love is given, will the other love back?
Or will they leave room for another "lover" to come and and make up for their lack?
So is there really a such thing as a "Happily Ever After?"
Is so then why do so many end in disaster?


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  • 16 years ago

    by Evie

    Good questions...you left me thinking....yep still thinking (5/5 cuz you did what no teacher has been able to this year...make me think about life)

  • 16 years ago

    by JAZMIN

    This is a very good poem.... who really ends up with the first person that they say i love you to?? Happily ever after is very far from true.... or so i believe... love yes you can find it... but forever? i dont know about that...
    very good poem!

  • 17 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    Some very good questions everyone wants the answers to i loved this poem it had great structure and you chose a very powerful way to write it 5/5 <33