Wanting to fit in

by shantavia   Mar 1, 2008

Wanting to belong,changing the song
letting lose just to belong
do what they do end up missed up to
is this what you wanna do just to be cool
grind up on a guy in the back of the room
some stranger who say they love you
guards all let down now what do you do
cause now you see you stuck with the flu
plus you pregnant too
afraid of what they might do so you
run away just like they did
living on your own with a kid
coped every thing they did but
wait they didn't have a kid
they was smart but you didn't catch in
so in the end you stuck with no man
while all them girls who you thought was your
friend left you hanging
they pretend so they can help a friend
to get you pregnant then leave you at the end
all those things just to fit in left you on your own
just as you where along but with a kid on the side
both of y'all struggle just to survive
what do you do when no ones on your side
fighting to fit in end up messed up at the end
don't make the same mistake as this chick did
be yourself and end up cool in the end

this anit about me its about teens getting caught up


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  • 15 years ago

    by shantavia


  • 16 years ago

    by SHYSTY23KO

    It has a good message!

  • 16 years ago

    by Marwa


  • 16 years ago

    by Marwa

    If u keep on ritin poems den u'l get 2 be da gud author trus me u rite so beautiful poem u kno!

  • Very very good i loved it.

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