
by meliLOVE   Mar 1, 2008

I know my world is untitled and rnmy love is unmissed. my kissrnshows so much passion and rnmy touch shows so much bliss.rnrnI was locked inside of a dungeon rnfor so long and now that I'm out rni feel so strong. never once was i rnable to show exactly how i felt butrnnow its so clear.rnrnmy heart skips a beat when Ur nearrnme. my love is so deep if u only newrn u would probally think I'm crazy. rnUr all i think about. Ur all i dream rnabout.. when i cry its only cuz i miss rnu. so when i die my soul may go to rnheaven but my heart will remain withrnu. rnrnnever once have i felt this way but rnnow that i do i don't ever want it rnto go away.. so that means i need u rnto stay with me forever and on becuz rnwithout u I'm not strong.. without u i don't rnthink i could go on... rnrni need u.. rnrn~~as i lay down and close my eyes i slowly rnstart to dream and right before i fall asleep rni say the name that is carved inside my heart.rnthe name of my one true love.. rnthe name of my angel from above.. rnas i drifted off into dreamland my heart rnspeaks and it says.. ** hold me closer.. rni love u..** rnmeli...


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  • 17 years ago

    by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

    Wow.... wow... good one.. actually got good flow in this too!

  • 17 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    Excellent job
    This poem has a very good flow
    I enjoyed reading it