Thank You

by BRiTT   Mar 1, 2008

I never thought....
I never thought I would move on.
I never thought you would be the one to help me.
I never thought I could ever stop thinking and crying over him, but you started coming around and you changed EVERYTING.

At first I was so scared to try to be with someone else, I didn't even want to think about another. I was especially scared to be with you. I knew about you and your ways with girls, way before I even knew you. Usually after the first week, you would've moved on to another, but for some reason, I've been talking to you for almost a month and your still with me. So does that mean something?

A little while after we met, you told me I was different then all of the other girls, I didn't believe you, but now I'm starting to. You are so different then the last one I was with, your not afraid to be with me, even when other people are around. That meand alot to me, I've never felt this way before, if I'm away from you for more than an hour, I miss you. I've never been huged and kissed with such a passion, it's like you know everything about me and how I want to be treated. Even when you hold my hand,I just melt. I dont really know why. I can't even begin to explain how you make me feel.

I was afraid to let my feelings grow with you, because I was afraid you would hurt them. I really believe I've changed you. You say I've got you sprung, I can say I do, because all you other girls, that would last for a week are gone and out of your life, and its just me. You make me feel like the happiest girl in the world and when you tell people how much you care about me, you don't know how that makes me feel. I guess what I'm tryin to say is; Thank You and I hope me and you can continue this cause I think I'm starting to fall in love with you!!!


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  • 17 years ago

    by your love is mine

    Dont be afaid to let someone in your life you never know they mabe the next love. great poem.=)