
by Mike Wilburn   Mar 1, 2008

Nothing can calm my spirit
Like tunes and lyrics
Soulful harmonies
Wailing guitars

A peaceful serenade
Conjures thoughts of love
Moonlit night stars above
Notes drifting on a summer wind

Beauty in the beat
Bodies moving keeping time
A soulful harmony
Building to an untamed crescendo

A perfect measure
An interlaced melody
Bass, baritone and falsetto
Raw emotion captivates

Sound of nature and earth
Instrumental, solo or duet
Ensemble or choir
Chords that repeat

Sad or tender ballad
Immortal reoccurring theme
Life, color, magnificence
Dreams captivated

A universal language
Calms man and beast
A wonderful legacy
Passed down through the ages

Feel the beat
Share the feeling
Live in the moment
An artists gift


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Orchid Lady

    Wow... living in music myself I could feel this poem in my heart... great writing *5/5 for sure :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Tiffany

    WOW!!.. I loved it!!.. Im a music lover.. Im always listening or playing music!!.. so I can totally relaye.. great poem!!.. ^-^

  • 17 years ago

    by The Queen

    A universal language
    Calms man and beast
    A wonderful legacy
    Passed down through the ages

    ^^These lines are stunningly perfect..Well expressed of how human feelings affected with jus a beat guitar, piano or drums whatever..Do you often notice when people sing along wit the radio or for those who lack of golden voice simply do it in a whistle..Amazing how music soothe our souls or even mend our broken hear and at the same time, stir the anger within us caused by dishonest lover or so on..hahaha..Amazing piece...Good Job..5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    What a beautiful free verse. Wonderful imagery and good word choice. Something we all can relate to. Who doesn't love music? Great job!

  • 17 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hiya Mike,
    music really is the 'food of love'
    I enjoyed this Stanza the best:
    A peaceful serenade
    Conjures thoughts of love
    Moonlit night stars above
    Notes drifting on a summer wind

    Well done

    Michael 5/5