Paper roses

by barbara   Mar 1, 2008

Everyone will love at one point in their life
but not everyone will know if it is real
some fall to the illusion and pretend it's all right
and some admit they don't know what they feel

we all get angry at one point or another
but we all have the power to not
if we consciously choose not to hate one another
we may all be less distraught

the emotions we "feel" and try to define
are nothing but habitual thoughts
if we choose to be happy within our minds
than we can appreciate what we have got

but now i question what do we have?
how do we know that we do?
what makes us judge as good or bad?
how do we know whats true?

how do you know if what you see is allusion?
there is no measurement for what is real.
how do you prove your not creating a delusion
that you don't really feel?

but life, in my eyes, is easy to explain
it's run by thoughts and the mind
we create horror, hurt, hate, love, and pain
each new emotion emerging in time

when we feel we think and when think we feel
does this fact really come as surprise?
i'm telling that most of it isn't real
life's an allusion to the blind so OPEN YOUR EYES!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lizaveta

    I like this philosophical poem about illusions
    and the tittle is so meaningful
    yes, at some point we realize is our rose of love real or made from paper. perfect metaphor for this poem.