Dying a little more each day

by barbara   Mar 1, 2008

The first time you came I just smiled
it felt good to have someone to trust
i was such an innocent child
until i fell victim to your lust

your hands felt dirty all over my body
even though you reassured me in the end
I'd question and be the one saying sorry
because you made me believe you were my friend

i got older and knew better but it didn't stop
you said you had the right because i was trash
you'd come down the hall and my tears would drop
i knew you'd come and be rash

slowly but surely it killed me inside
i started dying a little more each day
i was so confused; in no one could i confide
so all i did was pray, pray, pray

as the abuse continued i kept fading
my soul quickly became dampened
the entire time it was so degrading
i felt like EVERYONE knew what happened

when i finally escaped and moved far far away
the after affects flooded my mind
when i slept, when i ate, all times of the day
every little thing helped to remind

one year since it stopped and then it was two
but inside i was still dying away
every day trying to not be reminded of you
dying a little more every day


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  • 17 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    This poem was beautifully written! The flow was great, the word choice was good, and the concept was deep. Try using grammar though, 5/5