Story of a cutting episode

by Amy   Mar 1, 2008

Blood and pain are a way of life
Her secret for staying alive
Day after day, night after night
She cuts herself just to survive

She grabs her purse and sneaks away
From the table where her friends wait
Her heart beats fast as she locks the door
And begins the old ritual she hates

The razor, the gauze, and then the tape
Are laid out in a row
She removes her hoodie and looks for a place
The damage most likely won't show

When the place is chosen, she uses the razor
And begins to slice open her skin
As the blood wells up, she knows she sees
The pain being drained from within

Cutting complete, she opens the gauze
Using it to cover her cuts
The red seeps through and calms her
For bleeding is always a must

Holding the gauze, she uses the tape
To anchor the square in place
She puts on her hoodie and exits the stall
Making sure she leaves no trace

Back at the table, she joins her friends
As nonchalantly as can be
She smiles and jokes and they don't know
About the pain she will never set free


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by HillaryNicole

    Dang! Dat was AMAZIN! It reminds me of sumtin i did at my frends houz which i dont do anymore n shecud tell i was n pain!

  • 16 years ago

    by CrossCut

    Great poem. I can relate to ir a lot.

  • 16 years ago

    by kia

    Very eye opening. Horrible though. I thought it was something people did on there own. Never realised they will find a place alne just to do it.

  • 17 years ago

    by Cassie

    This poem was amazing so sad but soo good really loved it keep writing such amazinpoetry ulll do well... great first poem xx 5/5