The Deepest Desire of the Broken Heart

by DarknessInMySoul   Mar 2, 2008

People pretend that they're all right,
but on the inside they scream,
wishing that someone out there,
can hear their pleas.

People watch the careful mask,
never seeing through,
and yet the eyes are screaming,
wanting them to see through.

hiding in the corners of their mind,
they never see through the endless night,
people walking on,
right through into the light.

People say that's nothing's impossible,
once you put your mind to it,
but they obviously haven't lived your life,
living in an endless torture.

you wish to end it,
save yourself,
but as you raise that gun to your head,
reality breaks through.

You can't leave it all behind,
no matter how hard you try,
and then you take a deep breathe,
and your deepest desire is met.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Xx Alone in my Quandary xX

    So bitter truth it is..yes, strange is it that we all try to do our best to hide our inner self but these eyes do tell the whole story..nice...

  • 17 years ago

    by HillaryNicole

    THat was really great