It's in there I know

by Vonnie McHugh   Mar 2, 2008

I'm all confused mixed up in my mind.
Afraid to let go for others to find,
My feelings tucked away in my heart,
I really don't know where I am supposed to start.

For years I had my life turned around,
I would silently without a sound,
Sometimes it was easy for me to see,
That this wasn't the life for me.

You see I was miles from home,
Feeling so very very alone,
My confidence had I had lost a long time ago,
Finding it is not easy I know.

Years later I meet someone nice,
But find it so hard to take his advice,
I want so much to let them into my life,
But inside I remember the pain that cut like a knife.

I don't want to be on my own anymore,
New dreams I really want to explore,
Do I take the chance and open up my heart?
Or do I close up and let my feelings fall apart.

I know inside my heart I need to let go,
And let my true feelings show,
Because inside my heart love is shining through,
I would like once more to say there is a a me and a you.


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  • 17 years ago

    by keithnwv

    Hey there, i'm keith. i have sort of put myself in a shell so to speak for the last year. i know i need to break free and get back to who i really am but its hard. but i think its something i need to do. and probably you do too. we cannot worry about what others think of us or want from us. we are who we are.
    hey, i'm just rambling on and on here. i just hope things go well for you


  • 17 years ago

    by Sourav

    Nice one... enjoyable to read... well written.