I Cant Unlove You

by Nikoshiana   Mar 3, 2008

Fell in love with you so easily
What wasnt there to love about you?
Your smile, your kisses,
Your laughter that warmed my soul
And lit up the dreariest of days
You could make me smile
On days i didnt want too.
You surrounded me, protected me
Made me feel safe, loved.
Now it has gone,
yet you are still with me in every sense
Excpet to hold me,
And where you were there is now a hole
That i keep wandering around and falling into too.
I miss you loving me.
We are still so close
Yet i feel so pushed away.
Do you still love me?
I feel sometimes that you do-
In moments when we both fall silent.
Where do i go now,
For I cant unlove you.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Fran

    This is very perceptive. That last line is amazing, it says so much.

  • 16 years ago

    by Lemonbread

    I can really relate to this poem... Its so beautiful