Unmasked Love

by Chris   Mar 3, 2008

No words are needed with a love like this,
No need to make sense when i kiss your lips.
To speak is to stop, and to breathe is to move,
No need to stay now, I'm always with you.

For you are my rock and I am your wall,
As you keep me strong I'll protect you from all.
As god is my witness and sure as the skies,
Ill love you forever with love undisguised.


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  • 15 years ago

    by DeepSoul

    I really liked this poem. Anyone can say "I love you" But when one takes the time to show that someone they care about that they love them, that's when it's real love. Actions speak so much stronger than words. Good job. :)

  • 17 years ago

    by samie renae

    Love it much this is the poem my b/f told me to look at for us lols

  • 17 years ago

    by Brigitte

    That is so beautiful! So honest, i loved it

  • 17 years ago

    by Hidden1

    Job well done. My favorite is the beginning, when you said no words are needed with a love like this. That says it all for me. Instead of speaking, you are showing how you love and what you love. This is really sweet and from the heart.