Vampyre's dying love

by FireBorn   Mar 3, 2008

Oh Deep blood and tears of pain
Forever has my heart been forsaken
Shallow are my dreams for i dream no more
My only dream
ALAS! my only wish
Will seemingly never come true
Oh brutal day
Damn Shivering night
I have no shelter to hide
My soul crying out in pain
Lonely are the words of my heart
My love now lost
A promise i made to keep
Not broken
Stupidity made me not ask of thee the same
For when the wind leaves the waves do cry
No soft embrace they feel
Such haunting spirits
Yet companions for me now
Loving torment and tender pain
no life for me now...
Thinking no more as i wish to breath no more
Desire has been lost to death of love
A love who is only half dead
Can it not be revived?
Or have i tarried to long
I see the hansom reaper over head
The earth is crying for my dust to be returned
And my blood to drench its parched skin
Does it call to soon?
All being lost forever in the embrace of a harlots breast
Acting her false love for the night
All lies have been now whispered through the trees
The shadows beckon me to embrace them
Do i follow thy call sweet darkness?
Hell hounds baying at my feet
Majestic sunlight do burn at my dying flesh
Frozen earth do chill my bones
I ask for love to take me to death
Does death now come to soon?
No word do thy comply?
No speech make any sound?
The lines of my heart must be read from between
Hoping I can hold onto more
now as forever i say adu
Will You not kiss my dying lips?
Does love leave me?
For love does not leave you from me
The dark angel sings
Her song has many meanings
Yet some are very clear


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