I Know Who I Am

by Fanny   Mar 4, 2008

I know who i am
I'm a girl that doesn't likes pink
I'm a girl that wonders what people think
I'm a girl that likes to flirt
I'm a girl that likes to put on a mini skirt
I know who I am
I'm someone that likes to smile
I'm someone who loves my family and will even walk more than a mile
and all that to keep them safe
I'm someone who doesn't gets or doesn't take
i just give
I'm someone who wants to live
I know who I am
don't change me change me
cause this is how i want to be
if you don't like who i am that your just a hater
ill talk it out with you later
believe me when i say
I know who I am
cause thats how I'm going to stay


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  • 16 years ago

    by kasia nicole

    I loved this and no one can tell you to be some one else. they have to like yo for you and keep that up dont let ppl put u down. its really good be who you are.

  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    I am what I am and thats all I am
    love it

  • 17 years ago

    by ashley

    Straight to the point and down right true you dont sugar coat it u tell it like it is! luv it!! lol