
by Screenager   Mar 4, 2008

Shot through spaces of infinite time.
Wonder if she'll remember me?
I've noticed the outlines of this city.
Reminds me of the texture of a world,
that has yet to fully pass on to the dead.

Stars are all in ecstasy.
They feel a slight tingle,
as they softly are a caressed,
by the beauty of my tears.

Most likely to burn like the sun,
I once said to her..

It's an awkward feeling,
because for once I was right.

I'm shot through spaces of infinite time.
Wonder if she'll remember me?
Or will I fade away,
like crisp snow on a pale morning of spring?

Only she knows the answers I seek.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Gabba Gabba Hey

    !!!!! Nice little allusion there to Sunburn :P This is a very good poem, the only thing that I would say is that you should take out 'a' in the 2nd stanza, 3rd line. Very good!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Feels Like Ecstacy

    I like it a lot. I like the stars are all in .. etc.. it's my favorite part.

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