
by Anon   Mar 4, 2008

Struggling to lift the load
The works too hard, the heat to great
Yet if you stop to take your breath
The lashes' end you will meet

Bent over double, scrabbling at rock
Picking at a seam of coal
Behind you, the foreman yelling,
The hatreds consuming your soul

Hands lacerated from cuts and scrapes
Fingers barely functioning, numb with pain
The seam ends, you're faced with bare rock
Anger stirs within you, fury at the maste's cane

Your hands clasp a large rock
Rage bubbling with you
Swinging around you hit his skull
He falls, you scream at the other crew

Others notice what you are doing
They turn on their oppressors, hope blossoming in their soul
They are no match for the wrath released
The mines entrance now your only goal

Oh Sunlight! Oh cool wind!
You have missed them so
Never again will this happen
As the burning workings soften to a glow


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