Comments : The Real Me ( Suicide )

  • 20 years ago

    by Katran

    that is one of the best poems i hav vea read. itsa so real, and it explains so much how u r feeling, and how i hav felt. i can really relate. its such a gr8 poem.
    o well

  • 20 years ago

    by kayla

    hey this is really really really good..its exactly how i feel...i wrote something called just another life and my teacher took it and then gave it to the guidance couniler and he talked to me about but i didnt tell him the truth..i lied to him because i dont want him to know how i feel...but thanks let me know someone knows how i feel and i dont have to try to explain it cause its impossible

  • 20 years ago

    by Manders


    My grandma killed herself when I was in grade 10.. It's something Never wish apon anyone.. The things you leave behind for your family to cope with it just wrong..

    Suicide is the easy way out.. a way to back out of your problem.. I miss my grandma everyday.. and Hate her for what she has done to me as a person..

    You should be thankful you have life, don;t ever take that for granted. Sure I have thought about it.. But being a survivor of suicide. I know what it does to your loved ones.. and I could never do that to anyone. No matter how bad things get.

    Love your poem it speaks the truth.. keep it up ;-)

  • 20 years ago

    by **Just Her**

    this was a really good poem.. im gettin over suicide issues and one of my friends confided in me about cutting (i knew that she did it before) but she did it again.. this poem is a good represenation of just what we feel!

  • 20 years ago

    by Emma!!!

    this is how i feel about people they dont see the really me and the pain inside

  • 20 years ago

    by Mich

    That peom expressed ur every feeling. Wow. I once thought about suicide and I realised that I would b leaving so many people that loved and cared. Today I still hide behind a mask that people think is real. Just keep fighting and never let them win!!

  • 20 years ago

    by FireCracker

    Like I am going to AGAIN .. say a lot of these comments are directed towards me being suicidal and I'm not . . . My friend is and i wrote it for them .. i have tried to help them .. .. and talk but it doesnt work .. they talk to a theripist but i dont know .. but i just wanted to say that this poem is not for me ! ! = )
    ~ MAYBETH ~

  • 20 years ago

    by Daniel Goding

    Another powerful piece, It looks like once you get your mind to something everything just flows together...

  • 20 years ago

    by creasy

    i thought it was really good!! i loved it!! esp this part:

    "I feel like a beach
    without any sand
    but for some people
    thats to hard to understand"

    keep up the good work!! :)

  • 20 years ago

    by Elyssa

    I gave it a five out of five! very very good.... suicide sucks... lost my best friend to it! keep your head high!

  • 19 years ago

    by Alle

    I like thi spoem. I've once or twice before felt like this and my friend is always feeling like this. This poem speaks nice truth. Keep going!

  • 19 years ago

    by Bleeding_Red_Fallen_Angel

    I love the 9th stanza. The hole poem altogether rocks. Excellent job. I hope you showed your friend this poem it might help her out a little bit. For you to write something like this about her would probably show her just how much you care. Excellent write. >3jess

  • 18 years ago

    by Shelly

    I get what ur writting and i write the same...noone could understand what your going through and its hard...but just stay strong

  • 18 years ago

    by Justine Lopez

    This poem so relates to me
    its a good poem