Friends to Strangers (hidden message)

by Chris   Mar 5, 2008

I stand alone beneath this sky,
Know I'm beside you bleeding too.
Its hard to swallow all you lie,
Hard to look in your eyes of blue.
To say we're fine is so untrue.
Breath easy my evil Saviour,
Right now this moment lived for you,
Now I go from friend to stranger.

But we lay here still drawn by eye,
In worlds that part through me and you.
Time stands still so I hear your sigh,
The pain you speak of still imbues.
Pain no one could ever construe.
Will laughter overcome anger?
Subside the anguish felt so true,
Look I'll go from friend to stranger.

Deep waters will surely run dry,
Inside a world abused by you.
You are your pain, your tears you cry,
For reasons unknown I bleed too.
Your silhouette shivers me through.
True of a whisper in danger,
Strength matters by when not by who,
See you'll go from friend to stranger.

The feeling of someone i knew,
Time is only what will change her.
Is it hard to walk in your shoes?
Now we're no more friends but strangers.


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Latest Comments

  • 13 years ago

    by mira

    Woooow that's great
    i love it nice work

  • 17 years ago

    by kasia nicole

    Woow this is a really good poem. i enjoyed reading it. you had a very good wording. I tottly undertood it. kasia 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Angel

    Well good way with words, but i want to take a shot at it. i think it means that u loved someone close to you but ya went through so much that ended ya friendship.

  • 17 years ago

    by disturbed one

    Haha oh nvm it says hidden message i thought it said double meaning :)

    i still wanna know if im right though :)

  • 17 years ago

    by disturbed one

    Im going to take a stab at what both meanings are in this poem.

    i love how mind bending it is

    okay here are my two guesses:

    one is about a friendship that splits apart becausing of lying/fighting

    the other is about losing a loved one or someone close or losing the presence that you supernatural presence you feel when someone close to you dies