Best friend

by ava michelle   Mar 5, 2008

I wish I could
Find the right guy
To love me more
Than my best friend
They love me just fine
Who wouldnt
But I push them away
I dont know why
Then they turn
To my best friend
I break up with them
Then I watch
As he make outs
With my best friend
They dont realize
I knew they did it before
Me and him broke up
I watch and I begin to cry
Because it hurts so bad
To know
Than I do this every time
Give up a guy
For my "best friend"


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  • 16 years ago

    by ava michelle

    Yea thanks this has happened to me alot. i trust people too easy i guess. thanks for your commment i apprecitate it

  • 17 years ago

    by Lyndsay Bre

    This poem reminds me of myself. Ive had my best friend still my boyfriend twice. Dont stress it and dont look at it like you lost him... he lost you.

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