Today is the Day for Me

by hollie   Mar 5, 2008

Today I cried for the first time since it was truly over

It was months before I truly felt sad. Before the feeling of loss truly kicked in.

He was my everything. He was all I had for so long. so when he left, it was as if I had nothing.

It felt as if my own beating heart was being ripped out by his bare hands.

Today I cried. I lost a part of my heart. A black hole is what remains, a black hole needing to be filled once again with love.

If I let if be filled, what happens when I'm left with the same hole again?

What happens when that hole becomes irreplaceable?

What happens is you learn to stand on your own two feet.

What happens is you learn to love yourself first, never again letting anyone else hurt you again.

What happens is you learn to be perfectly happy with just being yourself, not a part of someone else.

That's what's happening to me and I'm learning to love me, be happy with just me.

I'm learning to put me first.

Today I cried for the last time.

Today is the day I cry no more.

Today is the day for me.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Sandra

    I truly loved this poem because everything you said here I am going thru, including learning to love myself. Hope to hear more or your poems.
