The Best Of Me

by XxBrokenInsidexX   Mar 5, 2008

I haven't seen you for the first time in days
I'm so excited
But you don't seem that way

You walk right by
As if I'm not there
I'm so hurt
I tried so hard to act like I didn't care

I watched you walk to she
I try to fight back the tears as you ask her
"aww baby you actually waited for me"

I want to run and cry
I'm just so frozen in place
I act all cool when my friends ask whats wrong
As I try to hold back the urges to beat in her face

You walk away holding her hand
My heart slowly breaks
I whisper "There goes my man"

I follow your steady steps
as you still hold she
It hurts so damn much
Your holding her just how you used to hold me

I see you two part with a soft kiss
As my world turns gray
I stand here remembering the night you said
"Baby, Ill never take my love away"

All those words you whispered in my ear
Where all phony lies
But now their all I can hear

The pieces of my heart slowly falling to the ground
I ask you to pick them up
As you stomp all around

You jumped on my already broken heart
As I watch you tell her what you used to tell me
I just fall
Dang, I let another boy get the best of me...='[


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by she

    Liked the lines:The pieces of my heart slowly falling to the ground
    I ask you to pick them up
    As you stomp all around

  • 17 years ago

    by Madison

    I know how you feel because I feel it too. Great poem.

  • 17 years ago

    by Nicole

    This poem is what this site is about. I love it.

  • 17 years ago

    by LiNa

    Wow is all i can say right now the other day i read half of this and couldnt bare to read the rest it hurt that bad but i finished it today and i loved it . it made me remember sum stuff i didnt want to think about but 10/10 great poem

  • 17 years ago

    by Lisa

    Wow that was absolutely lovely u wrote it very well
    keep up the good work!