Teddy Bear

by Miranda   Mar 5, 2008

My hug-able teddy bear
You are my best friend
As I crawl around my house
You understand my noises

My lovable teddy bear
As I am getting older
You turn into my dolly
When we play our little games

My protecting teddy bear
I'm scared of the bogeyman
Please keep me safe
as I fall asleep tonight

My forgotten teddy bear
I'm too old for you now
I've got better things to do
then pay any attention to you

My tear-stained teddy bear
You are there when I cry
And I seek you out for comfort
when I've had a hard day

My protecting teddy bear
This time not from the monsters
I thought where under my bed
But from myself and my mind

My blood-stained teddy bear
You have always been there
So you shall be here now
as I whisper my final goodbye

Each stanza is supposed to be different stages of my life.Please comment and rate if you have the time.
Hope you liked it,


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  • Love it! It really shows the bond between a child and a teddy as they grow up and as they say goodbye! XOXOX

  • 17 years ago

    by lonelydreamer

    Nice poem, i like how each stanza was similar but different.