The Last Dance

by Jemma   Mar 5, 2008

The cascades of the silver curtain, slipping by her waist
Creeping down the cobbles, concealing her pale face

The moonlight slinks across her, a shimmering halo above her head
But the dark is all consuming beneath her silver shawl
Her feet slip beneath the shadows and they play their lightest tread
The moonlight grazes her delicate skin, so intricately fashioned

It seems impossible in my mind that tomorrow has come
And today is to be the last
That today is already gone

She seems to float above the stone, relieve gravity of its duty
She rises like a flower bowing to the sun
Or an angel reaching for the stars
When the night time's just begun

Her gown is as black as the midnight sky
She blends into the night as though it were her shadow
Moulding itself to her
And yet ...
Her eyes are alight
They seems like white flames in the dark

The tune she weaves to is not one that I know
The instruments that lead her have no name
The music is sweet and yet tainted with the sorrows
Of all the people like me who had thought themselves lost to her

Her parade has lead her down these alleyways
And I have long lost count how long I've watched her
But no one will dance anymore

This is the last

The moon will go
Hiding in the Earth's shadow
She will recede to the dark corners
The light for those who seek to find it
I won't see her figure beyond this moon

The dawn will come too soon

One day I'll understand
The phases of a star
The phases of the moon that pulls our tides
Not just of waves but of our time

So definite in its decisions made against us
Would it not grant me a mere moment that lasted a lifetime?

Even now the lines she makes I cannot follow
Cannot fathom the shapes she draws within the air
But I feel them etched in my heart
As though it were physical and not a mere case of great observance

One last time
On the empty streets
My illusive dream

Here is my awakening
I shall not return with tomorrow
The moon is no longer company enough for me

**I'm sorry but i really had no idea where to place a poem like that for it is so many things and yet none of them at all.**


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