Comments : And The Door Slams Shut

  • 17 years ago

    by Spirit

    I truely don't see why you don't think that you have a talent. could you explain that you me please. your good and ou should be glad about that. I have found out personally through this website that some of that best poets just write to get what's on their mind or in their head out. who cares if it's true of if your writting out of your rear end!!!!!! sorry about ranting but I had something on my mind. I loved this poem and how that at her end she was happy. Thank you for the read.
    :~) Samy Mayo

  • 16 years ago

    by Rain

    Its really good!

  • 16 years ago

    by adroit

    O my gods! That is such a sad poem. So sincere and full of sorrowful intent. keep writing...Honest Luck.


  • 16 years ago

    by Sora

    This poem is wonderful!
    beautiful in every single way.
    you told a story in a poem form that touched me as well as im sure many others.
    what a wonderful write!
    job well done.

  • 16 years ago

    by Grace

    Wow! i really love this poem!! i give it a 5/5!!! just wow! lol