Lets talk

by Jayden   Mar 6, 2008

"Are you okay"
He finally asked me
I cried to him
"Lets talk"

2 simple words he spoke
like that would make it better
Does he not realizes
how much he's hurt me
how he's destroyed my life
how he's annihilated my heart
how he's drilled a hole in me
He expected it to work
he wants us to be good
he wants to feel good about it
he's terrible and doesn't realize
his voice brings me back to him
his words enthrall me
his sent is overpowering
he's wonderfully evil

"Lets talk"

2 simple meaningless words
can bring me back to him

I say i won't forgive you
but you no i will
because you can be perfect in every way
then you will leave again
just like before


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  • 16 years ago

    by Live WeLL

    Wow you can really sense your emotion when reading this poem.. I bet it felt good for you to write this poem and let those feelings out.. and it's true.. just those simple words "lets talk" can do a lot ... nice job on this one.. keep it up! and thanks for the comment =)

  • 17 years ago

    by FallingAngel

    Nice job, been there and the emotions were amazing. It seemed cramped though maybe if you spaced it out some... but awesome job anyway. Keep it up.