The Two Princesses Of Bamarre (poem made for a special book)

by Ice Cream Fantasies   Mar 6, 2008

Princes Adelina was scared,
Scared of spiders,
Specters was also something she feared,
But she was willing to find the cure for Princess Merly, her sister,
The cure that heals the Gray Death,
The cure that no one has ever found,
People begging her not to go and not leave her wealth,
She refused and put her feet on the ground,
And set off to the wilderness,
She was afraid on the first step,
Because it was always filled with darkness,
But she remembered the promise she and her sister kept,
And now there was no way to turn back,
This was the only way to save her sister,
But everyone knew the courage and bravery she lacked.
Into the darkness she step,
Wishing that Rhys, her favorite sorcerer, was always with her,
Protecting and guiding her every step,
Since she was covered with silver,
Monsters will surely spot her
Her first monster was to face an ogre,
Drawing Blood-biter, her sword,
She strike him right in the arm,
He fell and she strikes him again.
Then with her seven legend boots,
She ran with all her might,
And tripped over some roots,
A dragon approached her and she was ready to fight,
But the dragon grabbed her with her tail and carried her off,
Then came the drop-off,
And down she went into the dragon�¢??s dark cave,
Still struggling, she drew Blood-biter again,
But the dragon caught her and told her to behave,
She wasted no time, and tried to escape,
But the dragon blocked her at the doorway,
The dragon exhaled a fireball and the fire land on her cape.
There were only twelve more days,
And she must not waste time,
She pleaded the dragon to let her go,
She was innocent and had committed no crime,
The dragon looked at her and saw her sorrow,
But it kept her as a pet,
Blocking the doorway the whole time,
Taking the seven legend boots,
Then came dinner time,
And owls began to hoot,
She sat on her bed and looked into the spyglass,
Wishing that the dragon would let her pass,
Day came,
And the dragon did not move a bit,
She felt the shame,
The shame that she lied to the dragon,
Delaying everything and began to weep,
She landed on the bed with a heap,
And waited for the dragon to wake,
Three days later,
The dragon finally began wake,
Hour after hour,
She entertained the dragon.
Night approach, and there was only eight more days,
Eight more days till the death of Princess Meryl,
Then came the last day,
And it was the last chance to escape to save Princess Meryl,
With one strong strike,
She stabbed Blood-biter in to the dragon�¢??s belly,
Down it fell, clearing the doorway,
She darted right out and blinked at the bright light,
Then she speeded out of the desert,
Her hands clutched the sack tight,
Wishing that she will not meet any gryphon and be turned into dessert,
She hurried on and burst through the door of her sister�¢??s chamber,
They clasped the swords around their waist,
And set off to the fountain in Mount Ziriat,
One sip of the fountain and she would be healed,
Fighting monsters as the ran,
Trying to protect themselves with their shield,
Bumping in lots of gigantic men.
Seven minutes until dawn,
Trying to dodge the monsters as they pass,
Then came dawn,
And Princess Meryl collapsed on the floor,
Dragging her with all her might,
In the sky ten fairies soar,
Then the sky cried tears and out came sunlight,
Fairies came and carried them to the castle,
But she was too tired to even budge.
A strong smell of flowers stung her nose,
She jerked awake and was surprised to see so many windows,
And there, sitting next to her was her sister,
All healed, like nothing has every happened to her,
They shed tears of joy,
But something seems wrong with her sister,
Not older nor younger,
Perhaps the disease left a mark on her,
Even more surprising,
Meryl was transformed into a fairy,
And tears of joy were shed again.


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