You Promised

by AngelsTears   Mar 7, 2008

You promised me forever,
But what does forever really mean?
You were there one minute,
And the next you were gone.

You promised me love,
But then why do you hold her?
I used to be the one,
Who took your breath away.

You promised me your heart,
Then why is it gone?
You took mine and broke it,
And then gave me back the pieces.

You promised me passion,
But then where is our fire?
If our fire could not die,
Then it must have turned to ice.

You promised me a lot of things,
But then why am I alone?
I should never have taken your word,
And lived on broken promises.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Hallucinostic

    Oh man, this is really sad :(
    You should've put this in the sad poem section, but I think your love for that person is greater than the sadness you felt thats why you placed it here (but still, I could be wrong)...
    Anyways, this is beautiful, it still makes me sad.