My mask to your depart

by BreannaMarie   Mar 7, 2008

I wear a mask everyday.
I act my life like a play.
You pass me by day by day,
And lately all you say is hey.

I just want to scream and shout,
And to ask you out.
But the mask I wear makes me doubt
That you remember what I am about.

So I'm gonna rip away my mask of fear,
And I don't want you to see one tear.
But I hope, hope that you will hear.
Not my fear, but me loud and clear.

I love you.
Do you love me too?
I want you to say what is true,
And get it through.

You don't need an inbetween,
Just say what you mean.
And make the cut clean,
I will get over it I am only fifteen.

Don't make me ask again.
Please, oh please don't be like other men.
Just tell me when
I should hold my breath again.

I am trying to keep my hopes high.
And you know why.
After you give your answer please try
To leave before I start to cry.

The girl you used to want to kiss
Never acted like this.
She wore a mask of bliss.
Sadly that is what I miss.

The girl who you saw
Saw her own flaw.
Not one but many as she stared at you in awe.
Because you didn't wear a mask at all.

I like you for who you are
But sometimes you seem so far.
Even when I can see where you are.
You can seem as far as a star.

I miss the feeling of close.
Lately I've missed you most.
To my friends I used to boast,
That you and I were so close.

You were always there
You always seemed to care.
I was afraid you would notice that I would stare
At you in the next chair

Just to let time pass
In our fourth hour class.
You made me feel like a dumb ass
Especially that day, the last.

I knew we soon would be torn apart,
But I think you just didn't have the heart.
You were so damn smart,
You got a head start.
You left before the bell rang, before I could ask you out, because you knew it was going to be a hard final depart.


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  • 17 years ago

    by XxXTwistedxXxIllusionXxX

    Seriously dude that turned out really really good!!

    and soo true beyond true...

    (seems like you are telling me the story just a different way which is what you are doing.. :S te he)

    (btw i love that quote!)