
by Crystal Rose Crahan   Mar 7, 2008

Mere words cannot describe
The feelings in her heart,
The thoughts swirling in her head,
For the boy she's fallen in love with,
Whom she's never met face to face,
But she's never smiled so much.
She's never had her heart melt so quickly.
This girl had been torn, very torn,
But, like a surgeon,
He came and repaired the girl's broken heart.
He makes the sunsets look more beautiful.
He makes the birds singing sound sweeter.
The thought of his touch
Makes her close her eyes and smile.
She wants to smell him,
When he's holding her.
She wants to feel his light touch,
Running his fingers lightly up and down her side.
She wants to feel his breath on her neck,
As he makes sweet love to her.
His smile could be one of the best things
She's ever experienced,
Until his gorgeous blue eyes piercing hers,
Looking deep down into her soul.
She imagines melting at his touch,
And the most important thing
She daydreams of all the time:
Their kiss would stop time,
And make her knees weak;
She wraps her arms around his neck,
So she doesn't fall,
Even though she's already fallen..
In love with him..
And she can't imagine a day without him.
She can't wait until the day
When they're watching the sunset together,
Sitting on the beach,
In each other's arms,
Kissing and waiting to make love,
For the first time.
She daydreams about this all the time,
She'll never let it go.
It will always be in her heart,
And so will he.
He is that guy..
And I am that girl,
At least until I stop daydreaming.


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  • 17 years ago

    by RebelForever

    Hope you guys meet face to face soon =]

    sucks so bad when you're seperated, but you knwo its worth it in the end

    Love it =]

  • I love this