Comments : Our Love Will Have No End

  • 17 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Beautifully penned. This rememberance brings tears to my eyes. Uncle John is missed by many but I am sure by none more than you and Johnny. Excellent job on this tug at your heart strings piece!

  • 17 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Wow, very nice write. I loved the way you worded it, it came straight from the heart.

    The flow was good, but not great, there where a few spots that need improvement.

    For example:

    "Standing outside the church
    Remembering saying our I do's"

    That could perhaps be revised to read:

    Standing outside the church,
    Reminiscing us saying, "I do"

    Also, I would advise the use of puncuation within the poem, it will make the reader fully understand how it is to be read.

    Overall a great heartfelt peice that was nicely written. Great work!!!

    Peace and Love, Joe

  • 17 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    This was definitely heartbreaking. I cannot imagine the pain of missing someone like that. The intimacy of what you shared is something your memories will have to comfort you in until you are reunited. Please do celebrate, it is still your anniversary. Not a would have been, it's an always will be. Reminisce upon the fantastic memories made and know he awaits you in heaven.

  • 17 years ago

    by Gasttlee

    This is so beautiful! I can tell you really love and care for this person and you showed that flawlessly in your poem. 5/5 And thank you for the comment on my poem. I was actually nervous when I wrote it because that was the 1st ever Valentine's poem I ever wrote. But if it affects someone as graceful as you, then I'd say it was worth giving it a shot and writing it.

  • 17 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Hey Cindy,

    Firstly, would like to wish You & John Happy Anniversary.

    Standing outside the church
    Remembering us saying I do
    We were young and full of dreams
    Promised forever me and you

    this stanza is just so beautiful, loved the feelings and passion, loved the complete poem infact.
    i am sure you could hear a poem from the other side too today.

    all the best and take care

  • 17 years ago

    by Faithless Watermelon


  • 17 years ago

    by Jo Anna EL

    Beautiful!sorry that well ou know...i know must have grieved for very long...But one day you willl be together again... just like in your poem.really nice spoke to me and opened my mind to what has happened..Seems as if happiness is hard to find now...
    Good Luck!
    ~Jo Anna EL

  • 17 years ago

    by June

    Such a beautiful write.I can't begin to imagine how you must feel ,yes I have lost loved ones and never will I forget them and I shall always miss them ,but I would imagine the hurt of losing a partner whom you love so much and shared so much with is hurt of a different kind.I have learnt a little of how you must feel though for 2 years ago my father in law passed away and it's brought myself and my mother in law closer ,she talks to me now in a way she never used to and broke my heart one day when she rang me to say everyday she wakes and wishes she didn't ,they were married 50 years ,to share life with another for so long I guess life would be empty without them.Forgive me I have waffled on ,back to you poem ,very well done on such a beautiful write.

  • 17 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Cindy sweetheart...
    This is your most beautiful poem sofar and I've read them all!
    (((Big hugs)))

    Love, always


  • 17 years ago

    by Polaroid

    I'm so sorry, very nicley written i cannot imagine what that must feel like, but great job everything about it was fantastic

  • 17 years ago

    by debbylyn the title...and it is so will never end....and somewhere John is watching over you with that same beautiful love that two shared for so long.

    "Standing outside the church
    Remembering us saying I do
    We were young and full of dreams
    Promised forever me and you"

    ^and that is just what you have....a forever love....beautiful remembrance poem for this special day....Love you sis! Debbie

  • 17 years ago

    by Elapsed

    This was such a fantastically written piece! Loved the deep powerful emotions expressed through out such a touching poem. A wonderful dedication for your 28th anniversary.. Well done!

  • 17 years ago

    by Dennis

    What a beautiful tribute to your husband and the love you shared! It's obvious from your heartfelt words that yours was...and still is...the kind of true love that so many of us dream about but never realize. He may no longer be with us here on Earth...but he'll always live within your heart...and in your beautiful writing. And that adds up to living for eternity :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Lu


    ~wipes tears~ First I must say I wish I were there to hug you hun.

    Standing outside the church
    Remembering us saying I do
    We were young and full of dreams
    Promised forever me and you
    Cindy it is the beauty of these memories that keep us trudging on through the hard times ... Remembering the day you looked into each other's eyes and said "I do" is a memory that can not be forgotten or erased .... it is a memory that you will always cherish.

    Long to see your face once more
    Lavish within your arms
    Hold tightly to your love
    Safe and secure from all harm
    This stanza is just so touching to me my friend ... the day will come hun, when God chooses to reunite you and John together for all eternity ... and you will once again be in the arms of your sweet husband.

    Being trapped here without you
    Mourn your passing everyday
    Life has become so painful
    Need you to light my way
    Cindy I feel your pain in this stanza hun. Something led you to us that day when you joined RTVW ... and you have filled my life (as well as many others) with such joy and inspiration my friend.
    I know how much you miss John ... I feel it in not only your writing but your voice as well ...

    Waiting for you to extend your hand
    A New journey will begin
    Nothing can seperate us then
    Our love it will have no end.

    This ending though is amazing .... knowing that there is nothing ... not even death ... that can hold you and your true love apart is touching.

    You will be together again my friend. And I know John is looking down on you right now smiling because ... "he had the most beautiful amazing woman" to share his life with. Though his life was taken so young ... I am sure he spent it as the happiest man.

    My thoughts are with you hun, close your eyes and feel this hug I am sending your way. XXXX

    Love ya my friend

  • 17 years ago

    by David Ensor

    Wow. All I can think of is wow. This has depth beyond words.

  • 17 years ago

    by ilu

    Hello Cindy!!..
    It was very well written...
    Im sure you miss him a lot...
    dont worry,,he'll always be there for you no matter what...

  • 17 years ago

    by Sarah

    Such a beautiful heartbreaking poem...I am sorry for your loss Cindy...
    Though I don't know you but I can tell that you are a sensitive loving person...
    Cindy you have been through a lot in your life, more than what anyone can bare but somehow you managed to go on and become the great person you are today...I admire that in you and wish that I can be as strong as you...
    Please keep writing 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by TwistedAngel xx

    Wow that was beautiful.
    def wants me want to treasure what i have now coz one day it could be ripped away like that too.
    so sorry for your loss but i think he'd be very proud of you and i am sure you will see each other again one day.
    thats why we should treasure what we have and not take things for granted. i love the poem.
    all the best

  • 16 years ago

    by Punk Princess

    Wow i love this poem its amazing ! =] 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Natalie84

    I hope I'm not bugging you but once I get going I can't stop!! lol

    This piece is so sad but so filled with love. Lord knows I am sorry for your loss and hope you able to deal. Keep writing about it because it sure is beautiful to read!! Take care!