Never Thought It Would Hurt This Much

by XxBrokenInsidexX   Mar 8, 2008

March 7, 2008
...This dreaded day I hate so much
I wish it never came
I can no longer feel your touch

My world has turned gray
Your gone
&& Nothing could have made you stay

You walked away with a simple "Be Happy"
Why cant you see?
This world will never be the same for me

I knew it was was so obvious
I just didn't want it too
The thought of life without you I thought was oblivious

This pain so vile, so deep
Hurts so much
I cant sleep

I let you too far in
Only for you to break me inside from out
There should have been a warning
This cant be what Love is about?!?!

I'm in so much pain
Replaying "Ill never hurt you" in my head
Your lies driving me insane

Your right! Tomorrow is another day
Life goes on..
But for me, just not the same way

Ill be forced to walk with a broken heart
Hidden behind a smile
While on the inside I fall apart

But tonight as I rest my tired eyes
Ill scratch at my chest
Praying the pain will disappear...

Blocking out our last fight that ended it all
Staring at your picture,
As a tear slowly falls...


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by she

    I'm sorry for what happened, sounds sad, but good poem

  • 17 years ago

    by Madison

    This poem is great! I have been going through the EXACT same thing, and I'm starting to wonder if the pain will ever stop. Nice choice of words and awesome expression!!

  • 17 years ago

    by LiNa

    Good poem, i like that even though ur hurting you can write about it. im sorry about ur boyfriend.