
by 00moi00   Mar 8, 2008

When I look into the mirror,
I recognize the girl staring back.
I understand why she's there.
I know why she's me.

I see my broken reflection
Shattered dreams and silent screams.
I know the truth, I've given up.
I'm making the choice of life or death.

There's a painful past that hides behind
All my lies, fake smiles, pretty face, and perfect makeup.
A part of my life I've always kept hidden,
And so it shall remain, never again to be opened.

My nights hold nothing new, it's always the same
Swollen, red eyes and tear stained cheeks.
Blood on my wrists, words in a journal.
Curled up on my bed, knowing I will soon be gone.

I'm not thinking about my past, only my future.
I know what it holds, I know what to do.
A time will come, when I will have no fears.
I'll do what's right, it's meant to be.

I'm done with wondering why,
And trying to change my mind.
I won't convince myself with what others want.
My instincts will be followed.

I know everything I do, is a sure cause of death,
But no longer do I care.
My heart will stop beating,
And I will breathe my last breath.

I will starve myself, until I weigh enough,
To help me on my way.
I will slit my wrists, and watch the blood fall,
Till not a single drop is left.

This does not bother me, for it is true.
I found myself, I'm very proud.
Behind the tears, behind the scars,
I see the truth, I see my fate.


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  • 17 years ago

    by 00moi00

    Thank-you. That means a lot.

  • 17 years ago

    by Skye

    I really love this, its amazing. Youre a great writer