Simply Because

by Nikkicola   Mar 8, 2008

What can I say my black sky's are turning blue....
And it's all thanks to you.....
I never thought I could be happy again....
I had almost decided to give in.....

The way you look at me...
The way I can always see what you think....
The way you say...Things so effortlessly...
The way all your looks mean something...

When I'm sad and my tears can't hold me in your arms..
Telling me everything will be okay....For once I believe someone...
The look you give me and that smile....can't hide your charm...
And you always get what I say, life's a game but it isn't always fun....

I find myself waking with a reason to live...
Finally someone, who thinks my love means something...
More than just a heart to give....
Can this finally be the real thing??

It's the way you always know just what to say....
To make my day and turn my frown around...
This feeling is something I would never trade...
It's like screaming without having to make a sound...

The song I always in my heart...
The smile you always seem to find...
The time I swore only you could break me apart...
You looked at me and do that I'd have to of lost my mind...

Every time you kiss me
Every time your close by...
Everything I thought I'd never be...
For once I don't have to ask for a reason why??

The times I had make up running down my face...
The first thing you said is your so pretty and I'll always love you...
The way you make my heart stop and yet run in place...
The way I know I'd be lost without you....

So many times when I knew things where going so wrong...
Then I found you and you took my heart with one smile..
The way I realized the weak in the end are the strong....
The way I realized you where the one all the while..

How I had known you for so long..
But I never opened my eyes...
How we had always got along...
You where there every time..

I had a broken heart just yesterday....But things can change in a second...
The way you fixed every piece of my heart and glued me back together...
And if you wanna know why I love you so here's just one reason...
It's simply because the whole worlds along with me, knows were made for each other....


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  • 16 years ago

    by Krista

    I like it!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by MissAlyssaGraff

    This poem made me think of the person I have feelings for, and as the poem went on, it's like you were reading my mind. I can totally relate! I usually don't read long poems because I lose my focus, but this one really kept my attention the whole time. That's a hard thing to do! I was also smiling throughout the whole poem!
    Good job!
