Devil's Angel

by Kitten   Mar 9, 2008

Devil's Angel has taken me
Powerless and weak, as you can see
I cry for help when they fly away
Come back to me is all I pray.

Black skies falling down
Now it's time to leave this town
All my dreams start to break
Don't bother me until I wake.

Blood drips down my pure white skin
This is my soul deep within
Push me down until I die
Don't write back, Don't reply.

Starving now for perfection
This isn't me in this mirror reflection
You have hurt me too many times
But I love you and it's a crime.

No more feelings no more tears
This is my life and how it appears
No one's there and I'm not dead
I'm hanging on with one last thread


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Devil's Angel is an excellent poem
    Please do my latest

  • 17 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This is a very well written piece that really deservers a lot more attention

    The rhythm was so easy to pick up I was amazed

    I am overall very impressed

  • 17 years ago

    by Lyssa

    This has a great message in it..

    all your poems explain how many people feel and I love that about your poems

    keep up the good work ;)

  • 17 years ago

    by devils angel sunrise

    Wow thats got power to it well done