Seal the Deal With an "I Love You"

by RB   Mar 9, 2008

We timidly test the waters of true love,
Warding of heartache, welcoming bliss,
But undeniable feelings do reside,
In the passion engulfing each kiss.

I wrap myself up in your arms to keep warm,
And the smile never dares to leave my face.
I could gaze into your gorgeous eyes forever,
For here, with you, I am in the happiest place.

Our closeness tends to leave me breathless,
As I wish for our time spent together to last,
But time does fly when you're having fun,
And the hours pass like minutes, far too fast.

I love how I love you and you love me,
But it scares me to say what I feel,
I think it probably scares you too,
For these words make it all too real.

But I'm here sitting, waiting, wishing,
Just go ahead, please be the first,
Seal the deal with an "I love you,"
Finally quench this permant thirst.

March 9, 2008


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  • 16 years ago

    by mandy

    Again, you have such potential and talent it blows me away, 5/5 with no doubt what so ever!

    -mandy :)

  • 16 years ago

    by AJ

    That was so beautiful, and i know exactly what thats like great job 10/5

  • 17 years ago

    by hadia

    "And the smile never dares to leave my face."
    I love that line(:

    very good!

  • 17 years ago

    by StandStill

    That is SO sweet. it is this is so great......just wow. (i'm speechless, can you tell?) thanks for the comments as well!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    I love this poem, i LOVE IT 5/5 its awsum. its just, ahhh, it took me out of where i am now. words cant describe. not 5/5.... 6/5!!!!

    stupid math doesnt let that happen. anyway, please comment on a few of my poems, perferably one of my featured poems, cough*these black wings* cough* romeo and juliete*cough*

    i think im coming down with somthin. anyway. thanks in advance/ :P

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